Sanne Voogt

Senior Water Resources Scientist / Hydrologist

Sanne has extensive experience in various aspects of hydrologic modelling, including the rigorous testing of modelling platforms, the development and testing of models and water supply options, and the development of pre‐ and post‐processing software tools. Sanne has been involved in the extensive testing of, and feedback input into, the development of the Source modelling platform, the provision of advice and support for catchment water planning and security (including associated model development and the generation of climatic/ hydrologic datasets for historically‐based and stochastic assessment) and the development of bespoke software tools predominantly for the processing and assessment of hydrologic model input and output.

Sanne has provided high quality advice across a wide range of projects, catchments and clients, and is highly regarded by Departmental personnel and private clients alike for her extensive knowledge and expertise in developing, improving and applying catchment-scale models in a rigorous and scientifically-robust way.

Owen Droop
Director / Principal Water Resources Engineer

Chas Egan senior hydologist at OD Hydrology
Chas Egan, Senior Water Resources Scientist / Hydrologist at OD Hydrology, Brisbane Australia

Chas Egan
Senior Water Resources Scientist / Hydrologist

Sanne Voogt
Senior Water Resources Scientist / Hydrologist

Joel Rutten
Water Resources Scientist

Mac Edwards hydrologist at OD Hydrology, Brisbane Australia
Mac Edwards hydrologist at OD Hydrology, Brisbane Australia

Mac Edwards
Water Resources Scientist